Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Is it better to spend your time blogging or to follow people on Twitter and keep track of events on Facebook?

Yes friends, it is starting to happen. You may not have even started your new business and are just figuring out what platform you want to use for your blog and other people are questioning whether your should spend your time blogging or in social media. Things changes quickly on the Internet.

Apparently, depending upon which authority you want to believe, Blogs may be losing their authority. That being said, according to Technorati the number of blogs is steadily increasing. On the other hand, also according to Technorati which maintains an Authority Index, the number of links in blogs that readers are clicking is down.

That being said there are over 346 million people reading blogs globally today.

I am convinced that blogging is completely entrenched in the business marketing world. I use this blog to build my credibility. The purpose of this blog is to encourage midlife readers that they can use the Internet for a different approach to their profession or as a tool for changing their career altogether.

I use blogs to help me establish trust with readers. I use blogs to help me turn myself into a brand that is recognizable yet flexible. I use blogs to establish myself as an expert in knowing what needs to be done to move those career changes so they work.

I do that by providing content on my blogs that is useful. I do that by providing links to content outside my blogs that are useful. I do that by providing links to other resources other than myself that readers can feel comfortable using because I have recommended these people or programs. I do that by providing thought provoking content with authenticity and even some humor.

I use social networking media, such as Twitter and Facebook and Linked In as tools which enhance all of the goals I am promoting on the blog.

I also realize that most people who are 50 and older are still mildly uncomfortable with blogs because they appear more as sound bytes, not the detailed reports they are accustomed to receiving when they research a subject. I also am very aware that social networking, saying what you have to say in 140 characters, which includes spaces, is even a bit more disturbing. Besides, there are few if any controls regarding the subject matter in Facebook and topics can be raunchy if that is what you want to find. Even if you are only looking for business related information, it does offend many that profanities are tweeted.

Blogs are important because they enable you to deepen relationships with your readers. Your target market can find relevant content that is useful to them and have a place where they feel heard. This works very well when you can encourage and enable readers to comment and engage with you in your blog.

I invite you to find out more about creating business blogs that work. Get found by your ideal clients, build credibiiity, and extend your brand and reputation. Visit http://www.BloggingForBusinessWithExperts.com

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