Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

In elections politicians use negativity because they feel they need to. The general consensus among the majority of idea consumers is that it reflects poorly on the one who is negative.

Advisors of President Obama reportedly had to encourage him to show optimism in the face of the recession. It can be easy to look at the numbers and point to a doom and gloom forecast and then forget that others respond to the words you speak - or in the case of online marketing, the words you write.

Do potential clients want to hear about the end of the world and why they need canned goods and a steel encased room in their basement or would they prefer to be shown signs of life?

We get enough apocalyptic visuals in the theater. Let that be the primary place where negativity is sold. In your online store present the positive aspects of whatever it is you sell.

You need to be realistic without 'pie in the sky' platitudes. Potential customers need to view you as authentic. When it becomes apparent that you are exaggerating, the end result can be mistrust and perhaps even personal frustration.

Some might suggest that providing a negative truth is realistic. It may be, but when you accentuate the positive instead of only focusing on the negative you have the ability to move your potential customer to a place of hope - and hope is selling very well these days.

Most people want to believe things will improve. They want to believe in a company that envisions better times to come. They want to know that your product can fit in with their way of life, is a quality product and is affordable. Your positive answers to their unspoken requests for hope can go a very long way.

The whole idea of negativity can even be problematic when you place too much disapproving emphasis on a competitor. Any perceived attacks on the competition can be misconstrued as mean spirited and unsportsmanlike.

Most consumers know from personal experience that when they have seen others express strong negativity about others it may actually be an indication of poor self esteem - one person tears another down in order to make themselves look better. They may project this truism to your business. They may believe you aren't sure of the value of your product, which is why you insist on cutting down others who sell something similar. It may not be true, but perception often becomes consumer reality.

Believe it or not most consumers believe they are smart enough to figure out who may have the better product. If you trust them with the decision making process they may discover quality at your doorstep. You can provide a graphic with quality comparisons, but do so without editorial comment. You can rave about your product in a realistic way and allow consumers to understand the positive aspects of what you have to offer.

All the great American Presidents understood that in order to inspire optimism they had to be doggedly and realistically optimistic. You may not be president, but you should be a leader. Make optimism a part of your marketing plan. It will do your business good.

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