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Average Customer Review: 4 stars
Details and Description for Ectaco jetBook - eBook reader - ROM: 128 MB - 5" monochrome TFT ( 640 x 480 )
Product Reviews By Customer.
By Art Sedighi
"Ectaco jetBook" Does not get enough credit!!
I've been to a portable device, easy to use, fast and quick to use to open large files, searching. Possibility of loans of PDF documents is a must, but I did not want to have a complex approach my PDF on the device.
Because PDF is a must?
If you're like me, architecture docs, legal documents show design documents, etc. I do not feel good to send these documents to Amazon for conversion. What I mean is that I for a device that not only serve as a book reader, but a reader looking documents.
First, Sony Reader
I bought the Sony Reader, and was a horrible experience. Sony Reader is slow and the screen 'black' was very boring. I did not like the fact that he is able to read PDF documents has been and is very thin. It 'been a bit' too big, and worse yet, has not read PDF documents very well. The point raised by the page, but could not get rid of white space (border) works better than the text.
Second: Amazon Kindle
I must say that is very well thought out. The fact that you read newspapers, etc. that is automatically downloaded to him is great. I think the keyboard with your device. The screen size is correct, and is "fast."
Lack of ability, native PDF documents is a huge problem. Technical documents, I have 20-30MB, and I do not know how to behave if the Kindle had a very large file. It's too big! I can not do this thing around with ease. I carry a computer bag, two mobile phones, iPods, etc. I can not be a big book reader. The scale has a problem.
Finally Ectaco jetBook - eBook reader
In a sentence: well rounded! Reads PDF documents with ease. The formatting of documents is large and is small but fast. I got a great doc, and only takes a few seconds (Sony, 10). The Ectaco jetBook's screen is smaller than the Sony or Amazon, and I thought Ectaco jetBook would bother me. Here's the good news: you can rotate the document! You can use the style of landscape, and the screen is perfect.
Ectaco jetBook is small you can with one hand, not too heavy and feels tired. The buttons are well placed, and the interface is very simple! I uploaded was used for four days and the battery is at 95%!
What I would like to add this feature: wireless Internet access and a web browser. I know that kills battery life, but it's worth it. I want a backlight, so I can read documents in the dark. None of the players have this feature, but Ectaco jetBook would be good to have. He never reads SD cards on 2gigs, but I still 1gig - with more than 200 documents already on the map.
By Steven Hutt
Surprisingly good
I had previously owned 2 Irex Iliads ebook readers, but after both failed with broken screens decided to try something different. I didn't want to buy the sony reader or the amazon kindle because of drm issues so I decided to give this a try.
At first I thought I had made a mistake, as out of the box the screen is disappointingly small. However, I have been using Ectaco jetBook - eBook reader for a week now, and I can say that the resolution is sufficiently good that the size of the screen is not really an issue.
Mostly I can read Ectaco jetBook in portrait mode, occasionally switching to landscape when I need to. There is an easily accessible button that allows me to do switch between the two very quickly. In fact, after lugging around a large Irex, I find the jetbook size very convenient. It almost fits into my pocket.
The build quality is very good: Ectaco jetBook is light and everything feels solid and reliable, with perhaps the exception of the usb and sd card cover. It is hinged on a piece of thin plastic that looks like it might break one day, though so far has been fine. The Ectaco jetBook red colour is not so jarring as you might think and gives it a distinctive look.
There are many buttons on the face and sides, which means you have to be a bit careful how you hold it, but you can get used to it quickly. The buttons are well thought out, especially the numerical side buttons which make menu and page number selection a breeze. All in all, usage is pretty intuitive.
It comes with a fairly decent selection of texts included and fires up trouble free right out of the box. It can even play mp3s, although this is not something I am interested in.
The screen technology is different from the Iliad in that it uses a high resolution LCD display, rather than the electronic ink technology of the Iliad. The contrast is slightly less, but not significantly so and is certainly good enough.
What is much better with the Ectaco jetBook display is that page turning is much faster and there is no ghost image. It's so much better flipping pages at this speed in a way that was not possible with the Iliad. Also, startup and shutdown is almost instantaneous, so it is easy to dip in and out of a book.
The Ectaco jetBook takes an sd card up to 2 gigabytes. I had no trouble using one, connecting it to my pc using the included usb cable and downloading texts. It should be noted that the machine is limited to txt and pdf files, so you cannot view lit files unless you convert. However, this is more than sufficient for me.
In summary, the Ectaco jetBook does a pretty decent job. Size and weight is good, resolution is sufficient to make reading comfortable, and the speed is impressive. I would say it is still a little expensive, but so far I have been happy with it.
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