Sony PRS-500 Portable Reader System
The Sony Reader is an e-book reader. It uses an electronic paper display developed by E Ink Corporation that has 166 dpi resolution, eight levels of grayscale, is viewable in direct sunlight, requires no power to maintain a static image, and is usable in portrait or landscape orientation
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Sony PRS-500 Portable Reader
By Kent Roorda. "It's as good as you could expect"
We have a Sony reader for over a year in property. First, Sony PRS-500 Portable Reader is better than traveling with a bunch of heavy books and consume space. One critic said that the size of the police could be clarified. This is totally wrong. The font size can be adjusted very easily.
Another reviewer said Sony PRS-500 the screen is not backlit. Probably more electronic publishing, I can assure you that there is good reason to have the backlight is not a big screen ... This is because energy consumption. Backlight requires a lot of energy, power more than the creation of real letters and words on the screen.
Let's face it, a backlight is not an ordinary book! If you want to read in dark environments, you can read any number of small LED lights, the book that are available for less than $ 10. Otherwise, light standards, the book is read to reading to Sony a piece of white paper ... very pleasing to the eye, and then you can adjust the font size according to your profile.
Besides the possibility of a maximum of about 160 pounds, the Sony PRS-500 player can also use an MP3 player. Very cool looking! You can listen to the music itself, or reading. reading materials and downloads music will be played to the player via the USB connection.
If you want to increase the Sony PRS-500 player's memory, you can do this with a Sony Memory Stick or SD memory card standard. And slide the memory on the device. After using Sony PRS-500, you'll wonder why you have lying around so many paperbacks.
Sony PRS-500 is very convenient, easy to use, to save space and weight, and download a book cost about the same as the best price for a paperback book. (There are also many books and publications can be downloaded for free). This would be a wonderful gift for someone who can read.
By A.Scalziti "Best electroni reader yet"
Sony PRS-500 Portable Reader
Battery life of Sony PRS-500 is great and the screen is very easy to read. It seems to me a person who has left the sculpture demo page on a PDA, the words almost sitting on the screen.
No problem so far, I have not used the Memory Stick expansion, although the onboard memory is enough for many books. Unlike Rocket eBook, just see the choice for a book format, but Sony PRS-500 is much better and more independently.
Already have a rocket, you can use, I still consider the upgrade. If you have a PDA are clear, you can buy and use your PDA for a PDA.
So far, the disadvantages that I see the size of Sony PRS-500, I hate proprietary formats. It also supports text and PDF (not many features for editing PDF files), so no great disadvantage.
The software is available to convert the files (TXT, HTML) format for Sony. A Nice feat adjustments Bookmark BBeBook Sony Format text and properties when it is worth the small ebooks text formatting.
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