Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Sms Ucapan 2011 - Tanpa terasa natal dan tahun baru sebentar lagi tiba, kehadirannya semakin meriah karena bersamaan dengan liburan semester anak sekolah. Nah sudahkah anda menyiapkan sms ucapan selamat natal dan tahun baru untuk anda kirimkan ke saudara dan kerabat anda. Berikut Sms ucapan selamat natal dan tahun baru 2011 terbaru dan terlengkap.

"Hot tea! Specially 4 u mixed with 1 tsp. of love, 2 tsp. of joy, 3 tsp. of peace. Hope U feel the peace of X Mas! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year"

"Do u know what Christmas is? It's Simple : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas"

"May the light of X'mas that comes, wipe all the darkness and sadness away, and bringing joy, hope, love and happiness".

"Have a very blesssed X'mas...."

"May the peace and love of God fill each day of your life and light your way through the New Year. Wishing you and your family His Blessing always. Merry Christmas and Happy NEw Year"

"Selamat natal ya. Damai Kristus melingkupi kita, rasakan malam natal yang indah."

"Selamat hari natal n tahun baru. Semoga rahmat dan damai Bayi Natal dilimpahkan di tengah keluarga, karya dan dalam pelayanan"

"Dear friend, before the holly Santa Claus knock at your door, pls allow me to be the first person to wish you “A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR” GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY."

"Ditepi palungan-Mu ya Tuhan kami bertelut
Menyatu dengan para gembala
Kami sering menyerah pada roh ketakutan
kami takut suarakan Kebenaran
kami takut hadirkan Kasih-Mu didunia
kami takut kurus bila menempuh jalan lurus"

"Be a candle. Be a light. Be a twinkle in the dark. Be an inspiration & make a big difference in other's heart! Merry Christmas. "

*--------------------------------Happy New Year---------------------------------*
"Yesterday is history. 2day is a gift. Tomorrow is a mystery. Let’s start 2011 with faith, hope & love in prayer & praise. Happy new year, Bro n sister!"

"Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Semoga di tahun yang baru lebih diberkati dalam kesehatan, keluarga, study/pekerjaan, serta lebih dewasa dan bijak. GBU"

"Happy New Year 2011."

"Peace in ur HEART, Health in ur BODY, Wealth in ur LIFE, Joy in ur HOME, May u always be blessed w these priceless treasures. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011."

"Merry XMas and Happy New Year."

"Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all three for this XMas. Merry XMas."

"Met natal. Smoga damaiNya selalu memenuhi hati kita, selamat melayani."

"Salam Natal! Damai untuk semua makhluk."

"Merry XMas & Happy New Year. Wishing you & family health, happiness, success, & prosperity thoughout the coming year."

"Met Natal. Semoga kelahirannya bawa damai dan berkat bagi kita sekeluarga."

"Kasih TUHAN YESUS tidak lekang oleh panas, tidak lapuk oleh hujan, karena itu mari kita balas dg mempersembahkan hidup kepadaNya. Merry XMas & happy new year."

"Met natal. Semoga damai & kasih Natal beserta kita semua."

"Merry XMas. Let’s celebrate this XMas with love, joy, n peace of God
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. God’s coming is a gift 4 us. His coming brings new hope, joy & new love 4 us. Forgiving another & renewing our heart."

"May love, joy n peace will be your gift at Christmas. And may God shower you with blessings all the New Year through. Merry XMAs n Happy New Year."

"Hi Bro n Sis, Merry Christmas for you and your family. May God bless you and your fam with love, joy, & prosperous for the coming new year."

"His destiny was the CROSS. His Purpose was LOVE. His reason was YOU. May you have a meaningful Christmas."

"Yesterday, God was with u. Today, u are under His care. Don’t worry about the Future, He will always be by your side. Merry Christmas & happy new Year. GBU"

"Time to share, time to love, time to forgive, time to joy, time to cheer, time to gather, it’s time to say Merry XMas & Happy New Year."

"Simple music can make u sing. Simple hug makes u feel better. Simple things can make u happy. Hope my simple merry Xmas & happy new year will make u Smile :)

"Diz my u-year prayer 4 u :) Dear DAD, may he walks in da lite of Jesus, Ur Son & may he lives in Ur Spirit, as U love him dat deep..” Happy NEW YEAR!"

"No regret about the past…
No fear about the future…
New hopes & dreams in 2011…
Thankful to God for His blessings in 2010…
Happy New Year !!"

"Merry XMas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011!
May the joy of xmas and the spirit of new year brings more love hope
and faith in the upcoming year."

"Only open HEARTS receive LOVE
only open MINDS receive WISDOM
only open HANDS receive GIFTS
only SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my greeting Merry XMas."

"May the joy of Jesus bring u n ur family new hope,
love, faith and grace. Wish u have a wonderful XMas.
Merry christmas."

"Natal adalah bukti kasih Allah kepada kita.
Sudahkah kita menerima kasih dan keselamatan yang disediakan Yesus?
Salam natal saudaraku."

"Merry christmas to you and family."

"Tuhan murah hati selalu memberi.
Pagi ini indah, seperti juga kemarin dan esok.
Syukur kepada Allah!"

"Yesterday is memory.
Today is a gift.
TOmmorow is a Hope.
Let’s begin New Year 2011 with faith, love and peace.

"Happy New Year 2011. May this new year bring us a new
spirit to reach all your dreams, good health and a happiness

"Happy new year…"

"Happy New Year 2011, a new beginning for a better life.

Nah ingat ini sms ucapan selamat natal hanya untuk yang merayakannya saja lho ya,

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